Top tips for reducing the risk of cancer

Top tips for reducing the risk of cancer - Executive Health

When diagnosed with cancer, often the first sentiment is “Why me?” According to Cancer Research UK there are some cancers that cannot be prevented, in which case there isn’t much you can do to change your path. It is true that there are many factors that can determine whether you will get cancer, including family history and your age. However, it is not all black and white, you cannot afford to adopt a fatalistic attitude and leave your health and wellbeing to chance. There are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of getting cancer, such as adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Reducing risk

Minimising the risk of developing cancer is not rocket science. One of the most important steps is to undergo regular cancer screening (see point 1 below). Yet there are lots of other ways you can reduce the risks, by making informed lifestyle choices, such as cutting out unhealthy habits such as smoking that can adversely affect your health.

Many of the risk associated with cancer are related, for example, if your diet is poor this can lead to obesity. Similarly, if you are overweight it may not be easy for you to take exercise and vice versa. So, if you can improve your diet and / or increase your physical activity, then it is likely that you will also start to drop excess weight etc.

Here are eight ways that you can minimise the risk of getting cancer:

1. Stop smoking

Don’t cut down, stop smoking now! This is the number one risk factor for developing lung cancer and other related cancers such as throat, mouth, bladder and cervical cancer. You may not realise that your body will start to recover from the second you put out your last cigarette and the risk of contracting cancer is halved within 5 years of quitting. If you need help quitting there are many programs and self-help books, such as Allen Carrs’ Easy Way to Stop Smoking.

Secondary smoke is also an issue, as it can cause lung cancer even if you have never smoked. It is important to minimise your exposure, whether this means avoiding certain venues or insisting that your home is a smoke-free zone. Same applies to air pollution, it is not always possible but try to avoid areas and situations where toxins can be ingested and your breathing impaired.

2. Cancer screening for early detection

The first and most obvious option is to undergo regular medical check-up which includes cancer screening, like Executive Health’s Premium Screening. This type of examination allows for early detection of any abnormal cells before they develop into malignant tumours. The earlier potential problems are found, the earlier the treatment and the better the prognosis. In other words, nip any issues in the bud to prevent future serious illness.

3. Get moving!

Not everyone is a gym-bunny or enjoys exercise but it is essential to try to find a form of exercise that you enjoy or can at least bear to do regularly. Adults should do at least 150 minutes of exercise every week, which could include walking, golf, yoga or even gardening and housework. As long as you are getting active, you are helping to reduce the risk of cancer.

4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away…

It may sound like an old-wives tale but there is a reason for recommending an apple each day. It is one of the best sources of fibre and antioxidants, which are linked to lowering the risk of developing a number of conditions including heart disease and cancer.

Cancer Research UK state that a balanced nutritional diet is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, which is the first line of defence against cancer.

5. Drink in moderation

If you drink excessive amounts of alcohol, you are filling your body with unnecessary calories which causes obesity. Alcohol also increases the risk of a number of cancers including breast, liver and colon.

The fewer glasses of wine you have, the lower your risk of cancer.

6. Watch your weight

This brings us on to obesity. If you are carrying too much weight around your stomach or midsection this has been known to increase your risk of cancer of the breast and colon. It can also be a precursor to heart disease and diabetes. It’s important to watch your weight to make sure you stay within a healthy BMI.

7. Take a stand

It can be difficult to get up and move around if you work in an office at a desk. However, it is crucial to make the effort, as too much sitting down can increase the risk of endometrial and colon cancer. So, when you have the chance get up and walk around.

8. Protect your skin

We all know the dangers of too much sunshine and the resultant skin cancer, yet many of us still take unnecessary risks. There are so many products on the market that can provide sun protection, so there is really no excuse. If in doubt choose a moisturiser or sun tan lotion with a minimum of SPF 30 protection. Alternatively, cover up and wear a hat!

The same applies to sunbeds. Use protection or don’t do it. No tan is worth dying for!

In conclusion, Understanding that you can help yourself to prevent many forms of cancer is the first step to taking care of your health. There is no time like the present to start the first day of the rest of your life… the best choice is the healthy choice.

If you would like more information about the range and benefits of Executive Health’s screening programmes, please visit the website, contact [email protected] or call or whatsapp +34 670 674 246.