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So far redline has created 22 blog entries.

Viktigt att veta om hjärnan


Executive Health lanserade nyligen en Hjärnanalysundersökning. Det är en AI-baserad mjukvara som analyserar flera olika parametrar på hjärnan med fokus på demens och Alzheimer. Vi kallar den Brain Health. Nedan följer viktig information om Brain Health: Tidig upptäckt är mycket viktig även vad gäller demens och Alzheimer. Det är mycket bättre att påbörja eventuell behandling [...]

Viktigt att veta om hjärnan2024-04-15T09:00:30+00:00

Ledande bröstcancerexpert om MR bröst


Dr Harold Burstein (Harvard), en av världens främsta expeter inom bröstcancer, anser att kvinnor med familjehistoria av bröstcancer och // eller högrisk personer (de med konstaterad gen) bör göra MR bröst varje år, då det är den mest precisa analysmetoden för tidig upptäckt. Du kan lyssna på en lång intervju med Dr Burstein från tidigare [...]

Ledande bröstcancerexpert om MR bröst2024-04-15T09:00:53+00:00

Vad är ditt ApoB värde?


Många känner till sitt kolesterolvärde och vet att det är en viktig parameter för hjärt/kärlhälsan men färre känner till sitt ApoB. På Executive Health lägger vi stor vikt vid ApoB värdet. De större kliniska studier som publicerats de senaste tre åren visar alla att ApoB faktiskt är viktigare än LDL och HDL vad gäller möjligheten [...]

Vad är ditt ApoB värde?2024-04-15T09:01:04+00:00

Det senaste inom sömn


En ny studie visar att det för ett långt & friskt liv är viktigare med regelbundna sömnrutiner än den faktiska längden du sover per natt. Med andra ord, det är bättre att sova 6 timmar varje natt med ett regelbundet schema än att sova 8 timmar med ett väldigt oregelbundet schema. Studiens huvudslutsaser var följande: [...]

Det senaste inom sömn2024-04-15T09:01:15+00:00

The importance of micronutrients for metabolic health


Most people have heard of the saying, “You are what you eat” but not many of us have looked deeper to gain an understanding of what we need to eat in order to achieve optimum health and wellbeing. The fact is, eating a healthy diet is not necessarily sufficient to achieve good health and longevity. [...]

The importance of micronutrients for metabolic health2024-04-15T09:03:31+00:00

Executive approach to your health


Take an ‘executive’ approach to managing your health via medical screening Every successful person knows that to build a business or to reach career and personal goals takes dedication, time, energy and modicum of stress. Furthermore, in order to maintain the desired level of success, we are happy to put in the hard work. Yet, [...]

Executive approach to your health2024-04-15T09:04:05+00:00

Link between nutrition and cancer: how to reduce the risk of early disease and death


We’ve all heard the old adage, “you are what you eat”, a phrase often used as a lighthearted admonishment when indulging in a nice but naughty treat. However, this sentiment is far from flippant, as nutrition is the singular most important element in the preservation of our physical and mental health.   In fact, food [...]

Link between nutrition and cancer: how to reduce the risk of early disease and death2024-04-15T09:04:32+00:00

Top tips for reducing the risk of cancer


When diagnosed with cancer, often the first sentiment is “Why me?” According to Cancer Research UK there are some cancers that cannot be prevented, in which case there isn’t much you can do to change your path. It is true that there are many factors that can determine whether you will get cancer, including family [...]

Top tips for reducing the risk of cancer2024-02-13T14:02:52+00:00

Cancer screening and early detection save lives


Cancer is a global disease which according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2020 has been attributed to nearly 10 million deaths, which equates to nearly one in six deaths. Worldwide the most common being breast, lung, rectum, prostate and colon cancer of who one third of mortalities were caused by obesity, smoking, poor [...]

Cancer screening and early detection save lives2024-04-15T09:06:01+00:00

Why health screening is vital for taking care of your health


Taking care of your health can take many forms, from eating a nutritional balanced diet, taking regular exercise and minimising stress. However, it should also include preventative heath care such as medical screening. This is particular important as we get older, the simple fact is that many early deaths could be avoided by the early [...]

Why health screening is vital for taking care of your health2024-04-15T09:06:18+00:00
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